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Full Speaker bio for download

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Short, medium, and long bios for promotional use.

Short Version (40-50 words)

Nahla Summers is an award-winning author and leadership expert, specializing in Emotional Intelligence and socially conscious business. As the author of A Culture of Kindness and The Zero Burden Business, she inspires companies to transform through kindness and ethical leadership in a tech-driven world.


Medium Version (60-70 words)

Nahla Summers is a global thought leader on Emotional Intelligence, kindness, and socially conscious leadership. Author of A Culture of Kindness and the upcoming The Zero Burden Business, Nahla challenges leaders to rethink how businesses impact society. She helps organizations navigate the intersection of AI, ethics, and human connection, showing that true leadership stems from empathy, kindness, and emotional intelligence.


Long Version (90-100 words)

Nahla Summers is an internationally recognized speaker, award-winning author, and culture change expert. With a focus on Emotional Intelligence and ethical leadership, Nahla has worked with organizations worldwide to help them foster socially conscious workplaces. She is the author of A Culture of Kindness and the forthcoming The Zero Burden Business, which advocates for reshaping corporate culture through empathy, connection, and Emotional Intelligence. Through her talks, Nahla empowers businesses to harness the human qualities that AI can’t replace—qualities that drive lasting success and meaningful social impact.

Technical Requirements for Nahla Summers' Speaking Engagements


Microphone: A lapel or headset microphone is preferred but not essential. Nahla will adapt to the equipment available at the venue.


Delivery Format: Nahla is available for in-person, digital, and hybrid events. Please confirm the event format at least two weeks in advance.


Technical Setup: Nahla has no specific technical requirements and will adapt to the provided setup. However, she requests that all details about the venue’s technical capabilities, including sound, video, and lighting, be communicated at least two weeks before the event.  She will arrive before the event commences to do the appropriate checks


Recording: Recording of her presentations must be pre-approved. If you wish to record the session, please discuss this with Nahla or her team in advance to arrange permissions.

From our pre-chat before recording she was extremely considerate to ensure her messaging, stories and content would suit our aims.


Nahla was brilliant from start to finish. Before the event Nahla asked how I wanted the Group to feel, which really made me think what I wanted to achieve from the talk.

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